The primary international goon for Human-made Climate Change is the Intergovernmental Panel on.Climate Change. It consists of a large number of Scientists, as well as non-scientists, working on Behalf of Governments belonging to the UN. As such it is by its nature a Political Arm of the UN. Political Policy is its reason for being; they make no disclaimers about that. It is NOT a Scientific Organization, though many want it to be seen as such. Its policy papers and resolutions do not incorporate dissenting viewpoints. Not Science.
There is information to suggest that we are not in the warmest period in human history. Grapes were able to grow in England as recently as 1000 AD. It is too cold for them to grow now. Same is true for Northern France.
Glaciers are receding in Greenland and we are discovering long covered Viking villages that at one time were at the foot of the glaciers. This indicates that there was significant warming in the near past.
CO2 increases as a function of Temperature increases, instead of the other way around. The geological record indicates that its always been that way. The CO2 follows the temperature changes. Much of the argument for Global Warming has been made on the basis of temperature measures throughout the world, at airports or weather stations for example. To measure and understand older changes, before mankind was able to measure, one must systematically study organic, geologic, and other samples throughout the world - tree rings, drilling cores, etc.
Carbon Dioxide is NOT a pollutant and Human-related generation of Carbon Dioxide comprises less than 1% of the total. Policies related to Cap and Trade CO2 will significantly lower the standard of living of nearly everyone but the corporate cabal. It is unknown if Cap and Trade will have any benefit on the climate. If it does it will be a couple of generations down the line. Any climate effect of Cap and Trade is likely to be masked or trumped by normal natural climate cycles. The push for regulating Carbon emissions through Cap and Trade is from special interests, corporations, governments, and political agents. It is a scheme to redistribute capital/wealth from the average citizen to the government and its cohorts. The actual form that Cap and Trade takes will be a POLITICAL decision. A middleman industry will spring up of brokers and dealers in CO2 rights. Any industry, utility, or agency can maintain or increase their output of CO2 by trading or buying rights. Any extra costs will be reflected in the prices of goods and services to the people. The increased revenue to governments will be astonishing and they love to spend the people's money. The people, on the other hand have to pay what is essentially a high tax on their right to cook, heat, cool, drive. We dumb sheep are willing to get on the Climate Change Panic Wagon and contribute to the $olution$ to fix it, without realizing that it won't fix anything, just make it worse by increasing poverty, economic turmoil, and civil unrest; and that the government and its agents will have royally screwed us once more