Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween in gaelic

sona Oíche Shamhna

Special meaning as our Halloween came with us'n Irish!


Monday, October 30, 2017

Whad ja say?

There are more than 120 languages spoken in the New York public schools, 1900 native languages spoken in India, and an estimated 6,500 through out the world

small college football

No distractions just sport! Proportionate attendance doesnt't rival big schools but maybe the NFL today.

jpr: yea i'm hilltopper proud.

Happy Anniversary

Five hundred years ago today , a young German monk began the Protestant Reformation, shattering the authority of the Catholic Church by posting 95 thesis and complaints on the door of a German church.   Luther, a biblical scholar, introduced the idea that man could gain heaven by faith alone --- the righteous man.  So began the Protestant Reformation. ]
"I began to understand that the righteousness of God is that by which the righteous lives by a gift of God, namely by faith."

Sunday, October 29, 2017

So True

Insurance Fraud Investigation

Insurance fraud alone has an estimated loss of more than $80 billion annually.

40+ States have enacted legislation to create insurance fraud bureaus.

The number of private firms/investigators has increased with hundreds of jobs now advertised. Many tips on individual fraud cases are  made from neighbors.

Criminal Ornithology

It's time to get the wild geese away from the playing fields of our children!
It's time to put the robins' nests back into trees and off our homes.
It's time to enforce reasonable rules on bird feeders, i.e. starlings  not allowed.

I call upon Washington to form the Department of Criminal Ornithological Investigation, COI at once. let's end abuse by birds now!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

EHD killing large number of deer

EHD is a viral disease of white-tailed deer that is transmitted by the biting midge in the family Culicoi\  These insects breed in static pools of water in late summer It can not be passed from deer to deer or be transferred to humans or other animals. All deer, any age, male or female, can get infected with the disease. It causes a high fever and extreme hemorrhaging in deer. The animal usually dies with 5 -10 days.


Me ma always said don ;t lets bugs bite u

Friday, October 27, 2017

What s in ur bird house


Tree frogs love'm they bring the whole family too!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ride that horse

This handsome dude was arrested yesterday on Long Island for several counts of having sex with horses. Those NewYorkers know how to party.

Sign of better times...barn wood living

The showroom boasts volume ceilings, handcrafted furniture, artwork, home decor and souvenirs including T-shirts and hats, sure to tempt fans of Bowe's DIY Network television show, "Barnwood Builders."  Barnwood cabins included.  (888) 941-9553

Built for the rising demand of antique custom design barnwood products

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fats Domino dead at 89

Thanks Fats, RIP

Modern policing

  • Artificial Intelligence-Based Video Analytics
  • Integrates with Third Party Software
  • Identifies Objects, Vehicles, Faces, Weapons, Behaviors, and more
  • Up to 6 HD Cameras with H.265 Video Format
  • Integrates with FOCUS X1 Body Camera

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Someone said yes

Harvey always expects a yes if not now then later!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Love the wine ur with


Harvey says " love the one with ur wine"

Soccer, Icelandic Style

Population 250,000, world rankings 29th in FIFA, personal World Cup favorites.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Stay away from my Soup!

from the Bible:  don't care if you is transsexual, bisexual, homosexual, nomosexual, sleep-deprived, deep-fried, Isis-allied, incompetent, inept, puny, de-effin-crepit, holier than thou a-hole, booger eatin redneck, with friends in the Sherrif Dept-Stay the Hell away from my Soup!

White water...border security in the virginias

Works down here ya'll.


Taking nose picking to new heights

Yum yum

Saturday, October 21, 2017

this might backfire

Are "Transgender-claiming folks" different from Self-absorbed, narcissistic, egomaniac Divas?  No effing comment. 

Friday, October 20, 2017


you are going to be creative, its because you're tormented by a problem" - Jordan Peterson

Coyote after bear cub

They are vicious predeters ...watch ur children!


I'm losing it cause I'm starting to believe that

civilization is for ... (My son has a couple of very sweet kittens).


www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G59zsjM2UItake time to listen to intellectual zhit

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Cowboys in Brooklyn

NYPD officers like to say 'they see everything on their job.'  But here's a new one.  A rogue bull calf went on the lam in Brooklyn Tuesday, escaping a slaughter house — breaking free from its captors and causing a rodeo-style ruckus in the heart of stroller mom turf.   Emergency Services Unit cops shot the bull with an air-powered tranquilizer pistol, corralled it into a horse trailer, and gave it to a New Jersey animal sanctuary


Horrific Statistic

4 times more people die of "sand cave-ins" than shark attacks each year.  most of the victims are children.


A group of golfers photographed this week playing a round at the Beacon Rock Golf Course in North Bonneville, Washington, while a devastating wildfire raged in the tree-lined hills behind them. The striking image of intrepid players putting calmly against an apocalyptic backdrop attests to the absurdity of the sport


Academic cheating and plagiarism have increased dramatically as students struggle to keep up with the expectations and demands of our current education system. Furthermore, the advent of new technologies makes it much easier for students to cheat than ever before

Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe.
Jackie Mason 

people of Walmart

see: people of walmart.com            We all maybe in there!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

I Dare you to watch this video...

WOW Autredamus

wtf I've had some good times
some crazy good times
how can i not be thankful, grateful, and full of wonder
way beyond what I've earned
far past the line of limit of my merit
just crazy good times

My feelings on this sort of thing are as yet not clear.

Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, which is built on an ancient burial ground, has been voted the 'spokiest' by the 1800 people who manage such historical sites in England.  The ghost of a boy is seen holding visitors' hands without them noticing.  Other events include strange footsteps and slamming doors.  People also said they had felt like they were being pushed, had cold sensations and heard muffled voices.

Lovely Caribbean Scene??

Sorry, its the eastern coast of Scotland.  The warm gulf stream brings palm trees and flowers common to the Caribbean.

Monday, October 16, 2017

St Stephen's Green, Dublin

jpr: warm memories!

the slinky

 Richard James was a marine engineer employed at the Cramp Shipyard outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during World War II. One day in 1943, as James was devising a spring that would hold shipboard marine torsion meters steady, one of the springs fell off his desk, springing end over end across the floor. Impressed and intrigued by the simplicity of it, James went home and told his wife he had a great idea for a new toy.

The slinky has found many other applications. During the Vietnam War, U.S. soldiers used Slinkys as mobile radio antennas. Over 250 million Slinkys have been sold.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Today's Aphorism...

"Keep your head on a swivel, at all times."

Irish on general topics

I saw a notice that said "Drink Canada Dry" and I've just started.
Brendan Behan

“Even if the ball was wrapped in bacon, Lassie couldn't find it. “Heard from an Irish caddie, after a particularly bad shot.

Definition of an 'Irish fact':
That which tells you not what is the case but what you want to hear.


“A thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom.”
~~ Chinese Proverbs

Same as a family pet securing the family children.

Paul Lynde: on Hollywood squares

Peter Marshall: Eddie Fisher recently said, "I am sorry. I am sorry for them both." Who was he referring to? 
Paul Lynde: His fans. 

Peter Marshall: According to the World Book, is it okay to freeze your persimmons? 
Paul Lynde: No. You should dress warmly.

Peter Marshall: In the Shakespearean play "King Lear", King Lear had three of them - Goneril, Cordelia, and Regan? Who were they? 
Paul Lynde: King Lear had Goneril? 

Peter Marshall: According to Tony Randall, "Every woman I've been intimate with in my life has been..." what? 
Paul Lynde: Bitterly disappointed. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Black Bear Den


When biologists discovered the many metabolic changes that let black and grizzly bears hibernate up to 7 ½ months without eating, drinking, urinating, or defecating, they realized that body temperature was only a small part of hibernation. ...Black bears are now considered highly efficient hibernators.

Scotland in the fall

Need I say more.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Why college soccer isn't good enough

1. too little
2. too late
3. lack ofsufficient coaching
4. lack of international play

     please,  we need to follow the German  soccer development system :


More Ridiculous English Sports.

Thousands of conker fans descended on the village of Southwick in Northamptonshire (UK) to watch the 230 competitors from 14 countries fight it out with conks.   Conking is a child game played for hundreds of years.  Competitors attached a 20" string to a horse chestnut and swing it at their opponent's in an attempt to smash their conk.  The winner this year in the 'men's' was an 85 year old.   And they say the English aren't boring.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Congradulations to Panama

Best of luck in World Cup...we all will be routing for u guys!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Instead of looking for Conspiracy vides; I've been watching bushcraft, survival, and gear videos. This one has more drama than the latest Bruce Willis movie - "Overnite Winter in the Woods, almost naked."

Overnite Winter in the Woods, almost naked.
One of my old golfing buddies was a flight engineer on a bomber in WWII.  He said that the Flight Engineer was charged with repairing the plane while it was in flight!  His plane was shot down over the Alps.  He parachuted out and spent the next 3 nights in the high alps without so much as a blanket.  He was then captured and was a POW for the rest of the war.  

Early Bible

A text that may be the oldest copy of a gospel known to exist — a fragment of the Gospel of Mark that was written during the first century, before the year 90 — is set to be published. Some scholars believe Mark’s to be the first gospel.  The fragment  was recovered with other documents used to make a mask of an Egyptian mummy.  Many scholars believe that the gospels of Luke, Matthew, and probably Mark were compiled from a common older source, a collections of Jesus sayings, called the ‘Q source or Q document. ‘ That source, as yet undiscovered, may have been an oral tradition that originated closer to the time of Jesus, or a document written in Greek, or both.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Noises dogs love

My pup responded enthusiastically to squeaky toy and duck calls.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Game Changing Roman Artifacts

Archeologists have found more than 400 handwritten wooden tablets at a construction site that detail Roman life in London as early as 56 AD much earlier than previous theories.  Finds suggest a more developed society than expected, incluing buisness transactions, evidence of schooling and the oldest reference to London as London.

Researchers believe this tablet, is the earliest ever reference to London predating Tacitus' mention of London in his Annals which were produced about 50 years later.  Itt reads "Londinio Mogontio" which translates to "'In London, to Mogontius".

Saturday, October 7, 2017

More thoughts that will Pzzz folks

One of the most compelling arguments in favor of easily available birth control and abortion (morally I do not condone) is that the dramatic reduction in violent crime is because of these policies.  

Friday, October 6, 2017

I poke again...

I've observed thru the years the Pharmaceutical Reps that stop by the clinics and doctors and etc.  I can recognize them by the valise they carry and way they look - beautiful, handsome, greek gods and goddesses.  I am observant.  I am horny. I am obsessively preoccupied by beauty. I golfed with a drug rep, a handsome college fullback with muscles and charm.  Just curious I guess, has anyone ever seen a plain looking drug rep?

evil most certain

“Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil.”

― Marcus Aurelius,         

some believe in the existence of demon spirits  try this and  then u decide:


I'm nearly cured...

of my conspiracy theories obsession.  I'm still one of, maybe the absolutist, a skeptical and (because it tastes good) cynical SOB.  Yet I've been flummoxed by watching the endless threads of ideas about the Las Vegas Tragedy and the millions of fools posting some kind of video that sets the record straight.  I think most want to be able to understand events so that it restores order to the mind.  Such a bizarre event, we think requires some extraordinary explanation; to give us as much Peace of Mind as possible.  I'm sure that those involved in solving and understanding such problems, i.e my brother, are likely for now to be dumbfounded and without an explanation. 
I still believe in some conspiracies (JFK; 9/11; et al) but this event/tragedy makes me ask for a time out.  Overwhelming.
Be vigilant but most of all be humble and kind.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

more than one day!

 the young man just found out that school is more than one day....must feel for the lad.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sad News Muddy aka Charlie T. Wilbury, Jr. has died.

Tom Petty has died and will join his Wilbury mates Roy Oberson and George Harrison in that great heavenly rock group the 'Divine Wilburys.  Thanks Tom, RIP.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMVjToYOjbM

More perspective

Monday, October 2, 2017

Some ancient egyptian

A Ka Dua....meditative chant in sounds of the very old.


This ones for AL


My black friend ( one of 23 children ) will soon turn 80 yrs of age. We taught math in college in same department for a spell. A most righteous and enjoyable soul. Love ya AL. Many more years be to you.

If only I had the cash.

One of the world's rarest and most expensive single malt whiskies has gone on sale. The Private Collection Glenlivet was matured for 70 years and just 40 decanters are going on the market for $45,000 each. The spirit went into its cask in 1943, when World War Two was at its height and whisky was scarce.  A few years ago I bought a bottle of 50 year old whiskey in Scotland as a gift for my doctor (he collects whiskeys) in St. Lucia. I had a $75.00 taste. Horrible.  Oh well. 

What's in a name?

The most popular new born boys' name in the UK in 2016? ---------- Mohammad.

Sunday, October 1, 2017