Tuesday, January 15, 2013

facts for cat lovers

1. Just over 32 percent of households own a cat, and the average cat owner has at least two felines.   
2.  Around 54 percent of dogs and cats are overweight or obese. That comes out to about 50 million corpulent cats.
3.  The Amazon-dwelling cat, called a margay, was seen making monkey noises to attrack its prey.
4.  People living in countries with high the parasite T. gondii infection rates are more likely to be neurotic than people living in areas were infection rates were low. This parasite can on;y reproduce in the stomach of a feline.
5. Warmer temperatures and shorter winters could lead to longer breeding seasons for cats. That's not great news for cats, however, because many of those kittens end up as strays.

1 comment:

  1. It is said that if humankind were wiped out that house cats would be able to survive, possessing basic feral hunting and stealth skills. Domestic dogs on the other hand, would not do well as they are nearly totally dependent upon humans for food and protection.
