Monday, April 22, 2013

A Response to Mikey

In the next few days I will have more to say on the Boston bombings.  But in the meantime, let me remind you of of three key principles that aid in the analysis of events.  Each derives from vast experience.  Based on my more than 40 years in the field, I can assure you of their validity and value:  Occam’s Razor; The Duck Principle; and the Sieve.

Occam’s  Razor (from physics) holds that given several hypothetical explanations for an event, the one with the fewest assumptions will prove correct.  Stated simply, the simplest explanation, absent further evidence, is the right one.

The Duck Principle, if it walks like a duck, smells like a duck, has feathers, and smells like a duck ---------its a duck.  

The Sieve, as the number of participants required to carry out a conspiracy increases, the probability that the conspiracy will be exposed increases.  In  other words, the number of people that would have to be involved in framing the BROTHERS makes it impossible to keep such conspiracy a secret.  Think Wikileaks.

Couple minor points:

1. The self-radicalization of the oldest brother will have occurred primarily via internet and in the Boston Muslim Community (a mosque).  

2.  The youngest brother will  provide a detail explanation of events as he knows them. (he does not know them all)

3.  The brothers had planned additional attacks.

4. The law does not allow them to be tried as ‘enemy combatants.’

5.  The Public Safety exception to the Miranda Rule is legitimate, but rarely used and rrisky.

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