Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Please Mr President, LEAD.

I don’t want war, the lose of Americans in some God forsaken desert.  But President Obama’s consistent position on ISIS reminds me of President Clinton’s position on Rwanda.  Clinton has publicly expressed his regrets for not taking action in Rwanda and the horrible deaths and suffering of millions of innocent people.  ISIS has tortured, murdered, enslaved 100,000’s of innocents in the most horrible of ways.  They have now brought the terror to the civilized world.  Evidence clearly proves their intention and ability to expand such actions through Europe while the FBI announces they have active ISIS investigations in every state in the country.  I voted for Obama twice, not because of his promises but purely because his election made an important statement on race. It’s time for him to step up as the de facto leader of the free world. The cost of his failure to do so will be the incredible suffering of huge numbers of more innocents, including Americans..

1 comment:

  1. ISIS's reason for being, according to their ideology, is to speed up the pace for final apocalypse. they expect to lose in the end and they don't care as long as the final goal is reached. They are in some ways like religious christian zealots that hope for all out war and apocalypse in Israel and the middle east which will bring the end of days and the final judgment when believers are saved and all others are damned.
