Wednesday, June 4, 2014

question (and answer) of the day

Initially when Eric Snowden first showed on the Radar, everyplace was like "his girlfriend, she's a college girl stripper drug slut, yeah".  That was the end of that sensational story.  She hasn't shown up or been newsified anywhere, at all.  That isn't only unusual that no sleuth or journalist has paid her for an exclusive; it's UNHEARD of.  I mean if owned the strip joint where she worked I'd put her name on the Effin Marquee and hire someone to manage the ensuing rush of  Secret Service Agents and other gentlemanly patrons.  Who wouldn't!

Some of my trusted sources (who are nearly as clever as I - or is it "as clever as me"?) tell me the real scoop, i.e "the rest of the Story" as P Harvey would have said.  She wasn't his GF - they were a cuddle-less duo.  She was also an Agent for CIA that he was working with, and blended back into the wallpaper once he did his shtick. .  I guess that means that her "COVER" was to "UNcover!".

(the prior sentence contains not an aphorism, but a joke, and thereby falls under the copyright act.  use it if you like with permission and a tip; or wait 20 years and use it without permission.)

1 comment:

  1. alright, jokes probably don't fall under copyright, unless its part of a song or story idea; so go ahead and re-use the quip.
