Wednesday, June 4, 2014

you oldsters probably agree with this - LAUGHING IS FUN

i have been on steroids and muscle relaxers, plus a little kettle juice, for the past week, after 3 weeks of can't stand, can't walk, can't poop, can't sit, can't sleep, shoot me soon sciatica.  the agony has subsided somewhat and the 1-10 pain scale is currently at "come back later you a-hole";  which is good, no - great!  if the lessening of suffering continues or not I'll gladly take this state.  I'm not on anything that would make me high so I'm guessing that this is what it would feel like if i didn't have some kind of chronic pain.  most do, especially oldsters.  if you're over 40 and especially if you've been under occupational or sexual prowess duress,  your spine is gonna crumble like peanut brittle.  so it ain't like i'm a lonely aching dude.  However as a side effect of having a couple pain-free days (and sure it feels like being high because it's been so long with pain) i'm laughing - finding stuff funny where usually i'm impossible to get a rise out of.  Laughing laughing laughing - hope the MJ laws change locally real soon cause laughing is fun.

1 comment:

  1. i act like this is some new understanding of life, i.e. laughing is fun. there have been public funded studies since 1947 to test this hypothesis at a cumulative cost of 4.3 trillion dollars (old dollars converted to new dollars somehow), the results are not final nor conclusively endorsed by the Dr Dudes and Dudettes that comprise the Organization that agreees on the DSMV. Nonetheless the "going ouuut on a limb but it seems that laughing is statistically significant fun."
