Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The basic REs

Re..member that you are a good person and have worth, the best of moments with family and friends,
Re..assert your values now and tomorrow,
Re..affirm the traditions of your faith,
Re..spond with the same compassion we desire from others, bad habits with better ones, belief in your abilities as they are never lost,
Re..make a bad day into a fine one,
Re..fuse to let disappointment win,
Re..gain hope for tomorrow,
Re..visit old friends,
Re..pair strained relationships, past success so as to invite more,
Re..start your enthusiasm for life,
Re..late to those who suffer,
Re..tract offense with apology,
Re..take living in a healthy way,
Re..peat prayers,
Re..turn insult with kindness, inhibitions.
These REs will bring you to a greater peace and joy.


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