Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RSPK et tu

Among Parapsychologists, typical poltergeist phenomena are now known as "Recurrent Spontaneous Psycho-Kinesis," or RSPK. This term is used to describe the outward physical expression of intense emotion from a human agent through inexplicable force or action imposed on the immediate or surrounding environment through psychological means.

The agent is usually oblivious to the fact the he or she caused the disturbance because it is the subconscious mind, which is releasing repressed or unexpressed emotion through psychokinesis. In addition, poltergeist activity without the presence of an agent is attributed to the remnants of intense emotions in a particular location, a psychological imprint if you will.

JPR: more commonly referred to as adolescence!

1 comment:

  1. Am I to conclude from this that you can make something happen if you "wish" really, really hard?
