Friday, December 25, 2015

Global Warming Physics Question - Please enlighten me

When I hear that melting ice is causing a rise in sea level, I wonder: why does the sea level rise at all?  I put an ice cube in a glass of water and when it melts the level of the water shows No Change.  If that's the case then wouldn't Artic ice (which is floating on the  Ocean) melting have no effect on sea level?  Yes, melting of glaciers would add new water and have some effect, and some glaciers seem to be melting.  However Antarctica ice has increased significantly and I would think offsets some of the glacier runoff.
Where in my thinking is the flaw?  Seriously, I'm not savvy enough to know and I want someone with knowledge to show me where I go off the road.

Try this!
Put ice in a glass of water. Mark the level of the water with the ice in it.  Let it melt and see if the water level has changed. It won't change at all.