Wednesday, March 9, 2016

At's One Ugly Bastard.

The distinguished looking gentleman above, with a long arrest recorded, recently arrested in California, testifies to a somewhat unpopular criminological theory.  A growing number of behaviorists recognize that biology, especially cognitive dysfunctions, plays a part in the behavior of some career criminals.  The suggestion is that such individuals are unable to comport their behavior (to be socialized) to social expectations, maintain relationships,  hold jobs or commitments, pay bills, or accept normal responsibilities. They drink, smoke and use drugs excessively, demonstrate sexual abnormalities,  and cover themselves with tattoos, piercings etc.  Interesting eh?


  1. god love us all! I have no strong feelings for or against tattoos but one of the things that has kept me from getting a tattoo is the deep-seated fear that once I get one, I won't know when to stop. I'll wind up looking like this guy.

  2. why is the theory unpopular? seems that the anecdotal evidence is pretty strong, if you ponder things such as gangs, tribes, class, cults, and getting biker chicks.

  3. it reeks of eugenics, as most social scientists lean to the liberal, the bio idea gives rise to fears of discrimination, those on the know, me, are confident its a bio predisposition plus social factors in childhood in many but not all cases. sometimes, one or the other is so significant to counters the other.
