Thursday, December 21, 2017

Advent among the homeless, least of all we who were poor must remember


  1. we didn't even know how poor we were; the rest of the town did. anytime I visited a friend and ate dinner there, they would pile my plate with food, and more if I finished that. my stomach wasn't used to so much and I couldn't eat it or I'd get sick. It wasn't pity these people had for us. It was love and kindness and concern. I won't name anyone -it'd be a long list of blue collar families sharing what they had. The almighty knows them. I didn't realize that this was happening until many years later. They didn't think they were being generous or giving charity. For them it was normal to share willingly with the less fortunate, which was the skinny malnourished McDonald kids. Think what you will who's to blame for our poor lot - I see 2 parents in this macabre dance.
    JP - feel free to block this. I'm le4tting off steam.

  2. I suggest that if you want to know us, that you read 'Angela's Ashes'. That was us.

  3. Can t read what we lived's not's rememberence

  4. This is a terrific Bible citation, Billy. Thanks.
