Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Little boy with globes of play

Little boys of playing age will upon encountering a ball in any size begin to play. They will kick, hit, throw, and chase with delight any sphere presented.

Their enthusiasm for such sport is universal and needs no introduction or instruction save that for safety’s sake. Hence the call arises from the mother to “Take that thing outside!”

The intensity of play is increased exponentially by adding a second boy into the contest. Indeed, want neither of food nor drink will assuage the frantic pace of struggle to control the ball away from another contestant.

Passing time or failing sunlight will not affect the small boys’ intent. The ball dominates, possesses, and owns the children’s life.

Only the mother’s persistent concern over damage from dehydration and starvation will end the boy’s game with the ball. Excessive sweat, thirst, and exhaustion are part of the small boy’s reward. His early retirement to slumber is the mother’s gain.


Dedicated to my big sons who yet play with orbs of sport.

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