Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today's run

I am going to run out an old railroad spur for some eight (8) miles today. The line was placed there for use in the local coal digs. Those mines have not been used for fifty (50) years or more.

There had been a great many underground cuts created well before the turn of the century. Too many shaft locations were never reoorded or lost. There's coal left below the surface but it's too dangerous to mine!

Nature has over grown the land and uses the stilled path for her own needs. Lots of undisturbed wilderness is to be enjoyed by the adventurer.

One can't help reall the earliest time in the old coal fields. Just a small pile of coal dust may be found where once great steam locamotives and heavy shovels roared around the clock.

Maybe a ghost or two is about the place? No one has camped there as long as I can recall.

Our country was built on such labor. Coal from these fields was used in the production of weapons during the Civil War. It is a place of honor.

Great fun ahead!


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