Monday, September 28, 2009

Justice over the foe?

We hold justice over our enemy as a divine right.

Those who have transgressed will account for their wicked actions under righteousness…so we believe. Our settlement’s arrival is anticipated with swiftness and vigor. Suggestions are eagerly offered to its form and content. This is being human.

Experience has shown that the justice provided under mankind is massively lacking. No form of evenhandedness by human effort proceeds in a vision without prejudice. Hence it is best to leave adjudication to divine intervention. This option is not meant for enjoyment. It is chosen for fairness! Here in this process the offended is wholly excluded.

There is however good news! There is absolute assurance that a true punishment will be had to the evil doer. None of the wrongdoing will be passed over. We shall indeed have justice albeit it shall be later than sooner.

Divine retribution comes as aging! There is no sense of revenge in beating an old sinner.

The bad news is that we too shall account for our offenses in sameness. Those to whom we have done wrong shall be comforted. They shall be allowed to offer forgiveness when lateness comes to our life.

It’s not sweet but it is an inevitable reckoning.

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