Wednesday, August 8, 2018

rural china

Between 50 and 55 per cent of the population resides in rural areas, where about two-thirds of the population is engaged in farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing. About 40 per cent of total employment in China is in rural areas. 

Reform-driven economic growth, together with a well-funded national poverty reduction program, has brought about a major reduction in rural poverty in mostly the eastern provinces. The current official poverty line is less than 1$ US per person per day!!

Chinese saying "Life is hard then you die!"


  1. the Buddha says "life is struggle"; I say "bet your ass it is";

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. anthropologists like to tell us "someday we all will be part chinese" . How is that going to happen to me? Do I need to go ahead and mark that on my job applications or should I wait?
