Monday, November 2, 2015

Wil E Coyote - Not quite - Its the newly developed Eastern Coyote or CoyWolf!

Coywolf - Eastern Coyote

The original Coyote disappeared from the Eastern US many years ago.  For a long time they were only in the Western US - none in the East, until recently.  Now they are everywhere.  They are called Eastern Coyote but they are Half Wolf.  Thus the Coywolf.
They mated, coyotes and wolves and created a new kind of canine; one that lives almost anywhere (cities included);are larger than pure Coyotes; are starting to hunt in packs like wolves do; and are cleverly adept in their comings and goings - they check both ways before crossing streets and roads (No Shit?, you say - yes they do).  They tend to stay hidden by living along and roaming railroad tracks which are often secluded, and are in every town and burg in the Country.
The one I saw in the town of Ashland, Ky (pop 36,000) checked both ways, crossed the road in heavy traffic, and was headed to the secluded Railway behind the Mall.  JP has known them to hunt in pairs in his neck of the woods/town; cleverly taking down deer.

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