Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to Catch a Fly - climbing back to the top of the animal kingdom - Part One

Part One - How to catch a Fly by hand
The most common approach is one that's been used practically since the beginning of humanity.  It involves a lateral movement of hand, arm, elbow, and shoulder in an effort to grasp the fly from its spot in front of you as it hovers over your beans.  Millions of generations of flys have evolved to the point that they easily outmaneuver this futile attempt.  The product of thousands of generations of human evolution and used by 99% of all humans, it iss also the least effective, resulting in a catch-rate of between 4 and 7 % on the best of days by the most nimble.  Most go through life and no matter how often they try, never catch a fly..
In Part Two I will provide further analysis of the mechanics, and describe a proven method of catching a fly.

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