Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Today's Puzzler - Karma-lade?

Time's running out so I gotta make all the amends I can as quick as I can..  So far this year I've helped a rabbit, a crawdad, a spider, and a stink bug.

In the act of strolling around a field, hitting an occasional golf ball, mostly doing lollygagging reps for exercise, I came across a crawdad, about 4 inches long. tearing ass at crawdad speed of about a half inch for every step.  Puzzled was I because it was in the middle of a field, 300 yards from the nearest stream, and no one else around.  How did it get there; what was it doing?  Were you dropped by a bird not strong enough to carry you?  Were you released by some kid who let you loose in the parking lot - if so it must've taken all night to get where you were. Do birds like crayfish?  Perhaps sucked into a small twister then falling from the clouds?
The field is pretty barren; some weeds and scrub, recently brush hogged.  Can't explain how you got there but you sure was tearing ass like you knew where you were headed.
My first sad thought was good luck bub; you are nowhere close to anything - you're in the middle of nowhere - you're doomed.
I hit a few more golf balls then thought more about the crayfish.  I checked and it was still inching its way across the vast wasteland.  I admired that but it was fruitless I thought.  Karma reared its bald head and I felt compelled to try a rescue.  I put it in my cap and carried it several hundred yards (at great inconvenience) to the nearest small stream or "crick".  I let it go in the tall grass nearby and wished it well.   "Adios amigo".  I'm sure it would reach running water; and probably have to fight for its life to grab some turf from the resident crawdads, but I did my bit.  Now it was up to it.

Still I wonder how it got to be in the middle of an open field nowhere near water..

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