Thursday, February 26, 2015

The answer to old Irish riddle

Washed my face in water
That was never rained or run
I dried it with a towel
That was neither wove nor spun.

Close guesses:

From Norm in Pigtale, Wy ….“Milkweed squeezing and cannabis’ smoke.”
JPR says….This is a bit seasonal, as well as illegal but probably quite popular.

From Junior in Wrinkle, Ala…. “Bovine urine and a good sit on the hands.”
JPR says…Logical but disgusting!

From Billy Sue in Skeet, Wva…”Drippings off the tractor’s exhaust then hold the cat.”
JPR says…The best guess. I tried it myself and it worked fine.”

correct answer: wash in the dew then dry in the sun!