Monday, May 25, 2015

flowers for sale on mother's day

Two young girls (ages 8 & 9) were going about the neighborhood asking, "do you want to buy a flower?" They were carrying two boxes.

"What kind of flowers do you have?" I asked.

"Dandelions!" They answered as the smaller girl open the larger box for inspection.

"I'll take one for my dog." Says I while walking my brute on a  field.covered with the things.

"How much are they?" I asked.

"25 cents each!" The little one replied.

I gave the larger child one dollar which she put in the smaller box. (Lot's of bucks in there.)

I was given three little flowers. That's a dollar!: The elder child stated.

"Hey!" Complained I. "Thought they were 25 cents each!"

"25 cents for one, 50 cents for two, and three for a dollar!" The older child declared.

This child will assuredly work for the government when she grows up.

1 comment:

  1. This is a true story but don't tell Mikey as he may get entrepreneurial ideas.
