Thursday, May 28, 2015

New Baby Names, 2014

Interesting new names recorded by the Gov't in 2014. Five baby boys were named Dagger, five were named Renegade. Six boys were named Kaliber and another six named Bulut. Seven daughters were christened Roket.  Billion was given to five boys for the first time last year, Million  to 11 boys and Amillion was given to 11 babies of both genders. Lay is the new name for seven little girls, Sadman for five boys and, disturbingly, Swastik for seven boys.   Five little girls got the name Knowledge, and five little boys have been given the name Legendary at birth. Just amazing ---- what can you even say.

1 comment:

  1. once knew of a family by the name of "Ray" that named their son "exer" as in Exer Ray.
