Friday, October 9, 2015

help for the house wife

When one finds it necessary to fling an object in the home, remembering the above rule of physics is of help. Drag is always a problem for the moving projectile's flight in hitting a elusive target. As the schematic indicates, spin changes the path of the missile. What is under appreciated by most infuriated females is that spin enhances speed and range of the weapon. No spin has even greater drag resulting in dramatic loss in ranging and accuracy. The conclusion is given. Spin should be used but practice is necessary.

Good luck!


  1. Spin this JP. I have an uncanny, probably primal instinct, to have relationships with women who can put the mega-spin on objects of any kind.

  2. Yea, I agree with whatever. My wife gets mad at me for carousing and stuff. She's always sayin "you need to get into recovery". Heck I'm always recovering from one blow or another to the head and shoulders.
