Tuesday, May 14, 2013

An Editorial (want a little whine with that?)

I don't think a guy should be arrested for having a pressure cooker.  Racist event?

I don't believe that Global Warming is either man-made nor on a course of disaster.  I believe that we will see a cooling, globally, in the next few years.  In case you didn't know, which I think you're smart enough to know, a "Consensus of Climatologists" is not Science.  I have read studies where, for example, tides are at lower levels.  And more.  I support curtailing pollution however, which I think is a good idea for the health and well-being of our communities.  BTW - Cap and Trade?  If there's a real problem why not CAP only?.

If you haven't seen em, I think you should watch the Girl With the Dragoon Tatoo Triology (Dutch).

So far my online dating has resulted in numerous scams, unwanted attention, me being dumped, me being yelled at, and not a single date.    One of the interesting scams is when I get a message from a young woman, like 33, whose picture is gorgeous, and she wants to call me if I'll give her my number. I can think of all kinds of nefarious motivations from her (and me too for that matter).  t tell em to give me a number to call and I never hear from them again.

Here's a prejudice of mine and I know its cause I'm a somewhat chitty person, but even though I'm old, I don't want to date an old woman.  Help me get that right please. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so wise as you must think as well. Do you remember the Alarum tolled for "Acid Rain" about 20 or 30 years ago. It was ballyhooed or boohooed on NPR and Bill Moyers and National Geographic and News at Nine. Turns out that it was all a bunch of BS. The pictures of statures deteriorating and sick trees turned out to be due to natural processes, not man-made acid rain. You are the manhole so keep with the touting of your nose in these businesses.
