Friday, August 23, 2013

10 things you need to know before you decide to retire

1. Lots of perks.  I get to watch all the television I want until I get so sick and tired of it that I cancel my cable.  Instead I spend 4 hours a day watching what the neighbors are doing.

2. I don't have to hurry anywhere; I feel relaxed.  However everyone else is still in a hurry so they flip me off whenever I'm a little late at a traffic light or slow to order at the drive thru or try to find the exact change or a hundred other minor rat race missteps.  

3. And since I've got all day to cook I can eat all the great things I've done without - filet mignon, fine wine, patie de fois gras, chateau briand, crab cakes, hot dogs with sauce and slaw, etc. - that is, when I can afford it and if my BP is good and my lipids are in order and my stomach is doing ok (irritable bowel).  Sometimes I suffer from irascible bowel but that's a whole other story.

4.  I still got my swag.  I notice young women looking at me and smiling.  I stare at them and their womanly ways and feel that ol' machismo again. And then one of the %^$#s tells me I remind them of their Grandpa. 

I hope they legalize mj soon.  I'm gonna fill the place with weed smoke for a month.

I said 10 things but I need to take a nap. I'm not in a hurry.  

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