Monday, December 8, 2014

so where lies the problem

coal grove ohio has a population of about 2,100 people of which about 325 attend high school.
detection dogs have a variability in detection of from 85 to 25%.  Depending upon the skills of the handler and the trainer and the dog itself, they are imperfect though some are very good at it. what are the odds that the "dog Handler" on this force of 3 ft and 2 pt employees is well trained; the handler's skills; and this particular dog are all top notch? what are the odds that this dog will be sick or dead or lost a year from now or bites a kid who wanders into the backyard of the patrolmen housing the poor animal.   how many false positives are needed before the trouble, expense, loss of time, etc outweigh the advantages of finding a small amounts of drugs.  do young dealers keep significant amounts of stuff in their lockers.  how long does it take to sniff 325 lockers.  how many days is the dog doing nothing.  this is so stupid it causes me laugh cramps. what makes this effort with 3000 from education funds (taxes are already paying for the police) and taking one of the few patrolmen off the street to play with a dog; not to mention lost teacher teaching time and students studying time while 

1 comment:

  1. i left this incomplete and confusing. the local school board in coal grove authorized $3000 for the feeding and care of a dog sniffing German Shepherd. Some sniffing dogs are amazing like you wouldn't believe, that is, the best dogs with the best handlers under the best circumstances. this is Coal Grove, Ohio spending $3000 school funds on a dog. What kind of return are they hoping to make with this. Someone somewhere on the board or the PoPO ran some bullshit past everyone.
