The thoughts and creations of J P Ronan are shared in order to perk, uplift, make better this day. All entertainment is intentional and no issue should be taken as serious else you have come to the wrong place.
I really shouldn't share this, I'm so ashamed. The albino moose reminds me when I was in the 8th grade and had Safety Patrol. Me and a bud were assigned to the boys bathroom. Nothing weird but there was a 3rd grader, an albino, that we called "Light Bulb". Nice kid, sometimes needed guidance but how cruel we were. Will that send me to Hell or maybe just a stretch in Purgatory I hope. Light Bulb, jmj.
I really shouldn't share this, I'm so ashamed. The albino moose reminds me when I was in the 8th grade and had Safety Patrol. Me and a bud were assigned to the boys bathroom. Nothing weird but there was a 3rd grader, an albino, that we called "Light Bulb". Nice kid, sometimes needed guidance but how cruel we were. Will that send me to Hell or maybe just a stretch in Purgatory I hope. Light Bulb, jmj.