Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas to my siblings and their families

Let us remember our own poverty first, not with the anger of the years since, but with acts of love and charity that protect a child or two from the pain and misery of our youth. 


  1. gratias mon frere. we had it tough and I think that allowed us to feel the needs of others and to do something good for them. In my long history of work, I felt privileged, blessed and lucky to do things to help others avoid the things we endured.

  2. I cannot remember a single instance of being loved without judgment. I'm not whining; I'm just saying. As time goes on I remember things about my siblings as well, and how terribly they were treated. god bless us all.

  3. My parents were blessed with wonderful command of the language; it was so easy for them to use that skill to scare the shit out of us, to belittle our achievements, and to paint the idea of a horrible future for us. EG. my dad was convinced that i was Homosexual and that was bad; my mom told me that I would end up in a nuthouse (mental asylum) someday. None of my sibs ever judged me; not ever. I think that's why I survived and to some extent, thrived. Merry Christmas sweet creatures.

  4. ps: feel free to delete my comments.
